Journal Articles

  • ‘The Application of International Law in the Municipal Legal System: A Highly Ad Hoc and Ambivalent Approach in Bangladesh Epitomizing a Broader Hermeneutics Trend?’ (2025) 26 Oregon Review of International Law (forthcoming)
  • ‘The Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Light of the Prohibition of Genocide and Jus Cogens Norms’ (2024) 33 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems (with Norman K. Swazo) (forthcoming)
  • ‘Challenges of Research and Publications on International Law in Bangladesh: A Soliloquy?’ (2024) Chittagong University Journal of Law (forthcoming)
  • ‘Repatriation of the Rohingya through An ICJ Verdict’ (2022-23) 22 Washington University Global Studies Law Review (with Naimul Muquim) (forthcoming)
  • ‘A Tale of Too Little: Anti-Dumping Tariff between SAFTA Contracting Parties’ (2023) 57(5) Journal of World Trade 833-850
  • ‘Academic Responsibility, Selectivity, and Crime of Aggression’ (2023) 33(1) Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 39-56 (with Nafiz Ahmed) 
  • ‘The Murky State Practice on Recognition of Governments and the National Unity Government in Myanmar’ (2022) 44(3) Houston Journal of International Law 447-474
  • The Co-operative Societies Law in Bangladesh: From Hope of Autonomy to Dependence, (2022) 33(1) Dhaka University Law Journal 1-22 (with Nafiz Ahmed)
  • ‘Bangladesh Bhutan PTA: Less is More?’, (2021) 18(1) South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business Article 7 

  • ‘Overhaul of the SDT Provisions in the WTO: Separating the Eligible from the Ineligible’, (2021) 34(1) Pace International Law Review 1-24 <>
  • ‘Promptly Notifying Infectious Diseases Likely to Cause Pandemics: Individual State Responsibility, Shared Collective Burden’, (2021) 56(1) Texas International Law Journal 35-57
  • ‘Where Are the LDC and Small Developing State Complainants in the WTO DSB?’, (2020) 52(2) George Washington International Law Review 219-251 (with Farhaan Uddin Ahmed) 
  • ‘The Gambia v Myanmar at the ICJ: Good Samaritans Testing State Responsibility for Atrocities on the Rohingya’, 51(1) California Western International Law Journal (2020) 77-131 < (with Naimul Muquim)
  • ‘The Case of Palestine against the USA at the ICJ: A Non-Starter or Precedent-Setter?’ (2019) 48(1) Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 1-27 <>
  • ‘Sifting through the Maze of ‘Person Aggrieved’ in Constitutional Public Interest Litigation: Has Abu Saeed Case Ushered a New Dawn?’ (2017) 28 Dhaka University Law Journal (Dhaka University Studies Part-F) 155-168 (with Md. Tayeb-Ul-Islam Showrov)
  • ‘Judges as Legislators: Benevolent Exercise of Powers by the Higher Judiciary in Bangladesh with Not so Benevolent Consequences’ (2016) 16(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 219-234 <>
  • ‘The Scope for Trade Restrictions to Address the Lack of Compliance with Fire Safety Standards in Garment Factories of Bangladesh’ (2015) 49(1) Journal of World Trade 153-172 (with Naimul Muquim)
  • ‘The Australia India Proposed Free Trade Agreement and Trade in Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges’ (2013) 14(1) Journal of World Investment and Trade 167-197 (with Shawkat Alam and Pundarik Mukhopadhya) <>
  • ‘The Application of the Law of Criminal Defamation to Inflammatory Comments Made on Social Networking Sites: A New Role for an Old Law?’ (2012) 36(1) Criminal Law Journal 38-49 (With Niloufer Selvadurai)
  • ‘An Appraisal of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement and Its Consistency with the WTO Rules on Preferential Trade Agreements’ (2010) 44(6) Journal of World Trade 1187-1206
  • ‘A Diagnosis of the Crawling Trade Liberalisation under the Auspices of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation’ (2010) 11(2) Journal of World Investment & Trade 293-308  <>
  • Constraints of the Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area and SAARC Agreement on Trade in Services Militating against Sub-regional Trade Proliferation in South Asia (2010) 7(1) Brigham Young University International Law & Management Review 1-35
  • ‘The Proposed Australia-China FTA: Protectionism over Complementarity?’ (2010) 37(3) Legal Issues of Economic Integration 203-219 (with M. Rafiqul Islam)
  • ‘The Expanding Ambit of Telecommunications Interception and Access Laws: The Need to Safeguard Privacy Interests’ (2010) 15(3) Media and Arts Law Review 378-390 (with Niloufer Selvadurai)
  • ‘The Reproduction and Communication of Internet Materials by Educational Institutions: The Need for Clarity and Certainty’ (2010) 21(1) Australian Intellectual Property Journal 31-41 (with Niloufer Selvadurai)
  • ‘Identity Theft: Aligning Law and Evolving Technologies’ (2010) 34(1) Criminal Law Journal 33-47 (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies)
  • ‘Is the Doomsday of International Law Looming around in the Twenty First Century?: A Response to the Sceptics of Efficacy of International Law’ (2009) 78(3) Nordic Journal of International Law 293-308
  • ‘The Global Food Crisis and Lacklustre Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: Demystifying their Nexus Underpinning Reform’ (2009) 10(5) Journal of World Investment & Trade 679-697 (with M. Rafiqul Islam)
  • ‘Unauthorised Access to Wireless Local Area Networks: The Limitations of the Present Australian Laws’ (2009) 25(6) Computer Law & Security Review 536-542 (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies) <>
  • ‘Should Singapore Follow the EU in Creating Sui Generis Protection for Databases?’ (2009) 4(9) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 665-672 <>
  • ‘Preferential Trade Agreements and the Scope of GATT Article XXIV, GATS Article V and the Enabling Clause: An Appraisal of GATT/WTO Jurisprudence’ (2009) 56(1) Netherlands International Law Review 1-34 (with Shawkat Alam) <>
  • ‘Maintaining an Effective Legislative Framework for Telecommunication Interception in Australia’ (2009) 33(1) Criminal Law Journal 34-44 (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies)
  • ‘The Bandwagon of Preferential Agreements: Why Should South Asia Join Them More Aggressively?’ (2009) 2(3) International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 294-308 <>
  • ‘Hark! Are PTAs Swallowing up the WTO and Global Economic Welfare?: A Legal and Political Economy Critique of PTAs’ (2008) 12 Singapore Year Book of International Law 133-149
  • ‘South Asian Free Trade Agreement and the Possibility of Regional Integration within the SAARC: A Historical, Legal and Economic Analysis’ (2007) 2(1) Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Article 7, 1-21 (with Michael Ewing-Chow) <>
  • ‘Ship Arrest Conventions of 1952 and 1999: Disappointments for Maritime Claimants’, (2007) 38(1) Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 75-817